A little concerned

Kira • 25yrs 💕 happily married and Expecting our first child March 20,2019!

So i started spotting last Thursday very lightly and it slowly turned into AF after some on and off spotting. I've since had af and she should be gone but both yesterday morning and this morning I thought she was gone, had gone all the previous day with nothing but then like 5 min of getting up and walking around I get a fairly large amount of it show up as if af is still here... then 30 min or so it goes away and I'm fine for the rest of the day... I've never had this happen or have af last this long. I had a lot of pregnancy symptoms leading into af this past cycle but all of the tests were negative. That's the only thing that has changed and I'm getting a bit concerned and frustrated with this. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I make a dr appt?