Lost 7 pounds with metformin 😳

Emily • 24•Mommy to a little boy•PCOS•PlantBased

It’s been 4 freaking days! PCOS is no joke! Was just diagnosed last week and it’s like I can see the light again!

So far not too many side effects. I had the runs a bit, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.

It feels so good to have hopefully found my problem! I had never known that I was insulin resistant, and to have a cause and hopefully a cure, it means the world to me. I crave certain foods way less and have less desire to binge eat, and when I do eat, I don’t blow up like a balloon!

So far so good. I really hope that it keeps up and it’s not just a temporary thing.

Let’s hope it gets me a cute baby 💓💓🤞🏼

I still haven’t ovulated, but there’s still time. I really don’t want to do chlomid :(