Any advice/ideas for us? TTC #2 for over a year


Hi all,

My wife and I have been TTC #2 for the past 12 cycles. We have had 2 chemical pregnancies in that time. We had testing done with an RE and found no issues. I carried our 1st child will be carrying our 2nd child as well. I recently turned 30 and have regular periods/am pretty healthy. I had a full RPL done as well as bloodwork/ultrasounds and found nothing. I am about 20 lbs heavier than I was when I conceived our 1st child. Our 1st child is now 2.5 years old. We conceived our 1st pretty easily on the 1st time trying with this method.

We have been using a known donor (same as we used for our 1st child) and traveling to his area and inseminating over 2-3 days in a hotel via the syringe method.

TMI, but we have been using a plastic cup for sample collection and then inseminating with a syringe (have tried 5ml, 3ml and 1 ml) about 5-10 minutes after ejaculation. I usually lay down with my hips elevated for around an hour after insemination.

As the RE we saw basically had no advise for us other than just keep trying and (most likely) it will happen, does anyone here have any advice or ideas on what we could do to improve our chances?

If you used the syringe method, would you mind posting exactly how you did it/what syringe you used?