So happy! 😭☺️ short story

I got my positive test back in October, and honestly up until now I didn’t feel like it was real. Yesterday I went to my 10 1/2 week appointment and that was when it hit me. The moment I saw my little lovey up on the screen. Kicking away, and wiggling around. This is the second time I’ve seen my baby but the first time it looked like a ball. But this time I saw a head, body, arms, legs and nose and believe me when she put the Doppler on me and found the heartbeat I broke down. It wasn’t real until now, I didn’t know how much I loved this little one until now. And it is the scariest and most incredible feeling all at the same time. I never thought that I could love someone I haven’t met this much but I can’t wait to see what happens when my little one is here. Being a mom at 17 isn’t what anyone plans for there life. Believe me, I’ve had my share of difficulty from the beginning. And I know there will be more but I was on birth control, and took every safety precaution necessary. But what is meant to be will be, and honestly nothing matters to me more then the day I get to hold this little one and bring them into the world, yes some of you will hate on me because I’m young and say what you want but in the end, just because my family is starting a little earlier than expected doesn’t mean my love, joy and excitement for this baby is any less then another mother. ❤️