Baby breech at 36 weeks! Possible C-Section

Julia • Mommy❤️ Wife💍 Animal lover🐾 All things natural🌿

Posted in c-section questions but haven’t gotten many responses!

I’m a FTM, 36 weeks, and my baby girl is still -comfortably😒- breech. My midwife has recommended to have an external version done to flip her, but I’m not sure due to insurance issues if or when I can have it done. It’s also a 50/50 chance she will stay head-down or flip back to breech position.

I’m honestly just scared and worried about having a cesarean, though my mother had one with my two siblings and with me being the youngest.

Any ladies have any positivity about a c-section that they can enlighten me on to help with my stress level?😅

I’ve been planning on an unmedicated birth, and just the thought of a c-section (being numb yet feeling the weight, while being strapped down) gives me so much anxiety😩

*I know she can still flip to head-down position, but I would really love some positive experiences or facts about c-sections to help with my racing mind! Thanks ladies♥️