am I too old?

so as a child I had a pretty tough up bringing my dad was an alcoholic and would often beat my mother infront of me and my siblings but I had a happy place and that was my roller skates I'd go out for hours and just skate I felt at peace.

anyway I've recently purchesed a pair I've been having a lot of issues with depression and anxiety after I lost a baby at 10 weeks, I seen them and remembered how happy they made me as a child, I decided I'd also buy my DD a pair too and see how she would do on them, Well we went to the roller rink and she loved it found it very difficult at first but she slowly got the hang of it, myself was very rusty at first but started getting my flow.

My daughter has asked for lessons and I thought this would be amazing for us both to do as a mummy daughter bonding time and have now discovering she loves it as much as I do makes that little girl inside me beam again.

question is am I too old for lessons? I'm 25.