Pregnancy and bleeding need advice..

On October 5th I started lightly bleeding no pain. Still was bleeding through the day but light so I ignored it. The next day I had a lot of blood. So I went the baby checked out okay, and they said I most likely have a UTI so put me on antibiotics and sent me home. Then, after that I started bleeding light about 2 weeks later, on and off my next appointment I told my doctor they did a scan they found staph bacteria put me on antibiotics again. I'm still bleeding, I'm due Friday, and I'm freaking out what is going to happen .. I have an appointment Monday but I don't know what to do my doctor isn't helping really. Also I get back pains real strong on and off, I am real tired the last couple of days, I have been cramping, but the baby still moves alot.. any advice from any doctor/nurses or anyone with experience?