Bi-Weekly Non-Stress tests and a pear tree.

Amber • Hello Everyone! Thank you for stopping by my profile! I am currently the mother of a wonderful autistic 5yo girl named Aria, and baby Lyra who was born in September. I’m pretty blunt and I live in fact, I don’t sugar coat. Be warned. Aria - 1/27/18

Hooray for not just weekly, but Bi-Weekly Non Stress tests!

Well girls, I hit 29wks, and as a high risk first timer I was expecting this to start. I saw my Perinatologist last Wednesday and got my first one. I then got a call at work the next day from my OB explaining I’d be starting them bi-weekly. No I’m not confused on the term, I literary mean I go in twice a week for this shit!

With Type one Diabetes this is pretty common. And I’m guessing that since there are no other issues with my daughter (she’s small but then again they were expecting a big baby so small is good.) They are gonna do it twice a week simply because since there seem to be no issues, common with my diabetes or uncommon, they expect something will be wrong sooner or later so just be safe and double check. I personally think it’s playing it a bit too safe.

So my Christmas present this year is bi-weekly non stress tests, and at the end of January a healthy baby!