Possibly having twins


Okay I'm currently 15 weeks 1 day we had an ultrasound at 6 weeks 6 days haven't had one since makes me sad but my husband and I both thought we saw a second baby in that ultrasound when she was moving and positioning for pictures I got to looking at my ultrasound and I see the umbilical cord attach to the wall/placenta go around the baby and attach to the baby but it also splits into to cord and one part is behind the baby it also took the nurse forever to get a heart beat she kept going back and forth from 133 and 145 I also just learned my aunt was a twin her twin didn't survive but it skips missed her and her siblings so should hit my siblings and cousins what do you guys think I outlined on one picture what my husband and I see I've also been told I look bigger than what I could at 15 weeks