5 miscarriages and pregnant


Hi, so yeah I got my BFP a few days ago at 11dpo, but now panic has set in... I’m scared I’m going to loose this pregnancy like I have the last 4.

I have had two babies from a previous relationship and one miscarriage, but in the relationship I am in now I am pregnant for the 5th time still without a baby between us.

I haven’t slept properly these last few days, I’m over analysing every pinch or cramp, surely I’m not this unlucky and there has to be a reason this has happened 4 times to us (5 times to me).

I’m getting no answers and I’m just scared now, scared every day, scared every time I wipe when using the toilet, scared to have sex, scared to exercise...

Ugh.. I don’t know how I’m going to put the wort aside for the next however many weeks until I feel myself relaxing xxx