Keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed!!


I started a post the other day, but I guess I was so excited, i left some details out! SO... Egg retrieval was 11/22, ended up with 3 embryos and they transferred 2 on 11/25! I'm 28 years old, I have PCOS and unicornuate uterus (which means I only have one fallopian tube, my uterus is small - about half size, and I have a higher chance of miscarriage and pre-term labor). We've been trying to conceive for over 2 years, and I started fertility treatments earlier this year. After several failed cycles with Clomid and Letrozole, my RE recommended <a href="">IVF</a>. My ovaries are finally feeling a bit less tender/swollen today and we are oh so hopeful!! Trying to stay positive without getting overly excited... Hoping some of you have success stories with a day 3 transfer to share, and will send baby dust my way!!