FINALLY!!!! Born 5 days early! 🙌🏾


November 30th due date baby came yesterday on the 25th. Let me just say, FINALLY it’s over! I have been in this app seeing all these babies born before due dates and dying inside with anticipation to meet my lil man. Uncomfortable wasn’t even the word to explain my last couple weeks of pregnancy but I made it! I went on a date night with husband Friday night, Saturday I was feeling contractions about 20 min apart since 3am. I was waiting them out all day. I took our 12 & 8 year old to see the movie CoCo and was in so much pain. I got home, took a shower and headed over to the hospital. They told me I was 3 cm and if I didn’t progress to 4 in an hour then I was being sent home. I REFUSE to be sent home so my husband and I walked the halls back and forth 30 times. I loved the Nurse! She helped me out by really getting those fingers in there and said I was 4.5 when I was probably still a 3 (she knew my pain) so I was admitted. 2 hours of contractions and 5 minuets of pushing and he popped right out! BEST day ever! He’s so perfect in every way!