Breastfeeding help!!


So my baby was born preterm at 32wks and 6days. While she was in the nick I pumped and breastfed her when I could. I pumped a lot. My milk supply was great. While in the hospital they had me use a nipple shield to help my daughter latch. She was recently released from the hospital and we got to go home. Now that I am home I still use the nipple shield so she can latch. Well my milk supply is low. I read online that the nipple shield is part of the problem. So today I tried breastfeeding her without the nipple shield and she refused to take my nipple. In the beginning before I had tried the nipple shield (at the hospital) she would at least try to latch onto my nipple. Now she won't. She doesn't like it. I would like to stop using the nipple shield but I don't know how to get her to take my boob again. Plz someone help me!!