I don’t know what to do.

Jessica • 9y.o daughter. 5y.o son. Trying for #3🌈baby

Today I feel more sad than I have the past few weeks.

We found out I was pregnant 10/26 (my birthday) and then lost baby on 10/31 (Halloween). My HCG was already down to 7 Halloween morning. 3 days later, it was at .9 (negative). Anyway.. we decided to start trying again right away with permission from my OB/GYN. She also gave me the clomid/estrogen/progesterone combo to start next month (although it hasn’t been a year quite yet).

I wanted so badly to be pregnant again. I’m supposed to start in 5 days and I just KNOW I’m not pregnant although we BD’d on all the right days AND used OPK.

Should I go ahead and try the clomid/estrogen/progesterone combo after this cycle? It scares me to be honest.... any advice is so appreciated.