Feeling hurt

A few days ago someone made a post on a social media support group page for ttc after miscarriages that I follow. The poster expressed feelings of sadness and anger towards their mil who didn't see losses as a big deal. The poster went on to compare miscarriages to still births and claimed they were not the same and someone who has only had a miscarriage could not possibly understand the loss of someone who has had a still birth because it's just a bunch of clots that get flushed down the toilet.

This really hurt me. Out of all the cruel and insensitive things that have been said to me by people ive encountered ( concerning my losses) this hurt the most because it came from someone who had experienced losses themselves. They know the pain so why can they claim my pain isn't as bad as theirs. It was my baby. My baby was just as important. I guess I feel like these support groups are places that we should feel understood and supported rather than made to feel less important than the next person.

I really hope everyone here feels as though their angels are important. I hope that no matter what stage your losses occurred at you know your angels are remembered.

Please help and support each other. Don't compare losses and situations. Everyone's is different but they are all equally important.

Merry Christmas and baby dust to all ❤