groundbreaking study finds aluminum from vaccines in autistic childrens brain!!#

**** Breaking news!!!!! Prof. Christopher Exley has just published a new study on aluminum in the brains of 10 donors who had autism. They contained some of the highest levels of aluminum ever recorded in human brain, and the aluminum was found in the brain's immune cells, the microglia and the cells which provide support and protection for the neurons, the glia.

How does a 15 year old have as much aluminum in his brain as someone who is many decades older who has died of familial Alzheimer's disease? What does this mean for today's generation of children who receive 5,000 mcg of aluminum in vaccines by the age of 18 months and up to 5,250 additional mcg if all recommended boosters, HPV and meningitis vaccines are administered?

This study is groundbreaking and may provide the smoking gun to implicating aluminum in vaccines as the catastrophic disaster that it is.;_content=63668455&utm;_medium=social&utm;_source=facebook