Welp!!!!!! Just had.....


My 40wk check up. My last appt was at 38w and I was dilated to 2 and 40% effaced. This appt I was dilated to a hole whopping 2 almost 3😆😆😆😒. A little discouraging that’s for sure.

So they scraped my membranes and now I’m a 3 almost 4 and 75% effaced.

This appt my bp also has gone up a bit so I had to go get blood work done and have to go to a follow up on Wednesday to make sure it has gone down. Bp was at 131/81.

So if our little miss doesn’t make her debut by Wednesday and my bp is still high they will be inducing me, but if my bp goes down they’ll induce me next Monday.

Our November baby is looking like she wants to share her birthday month with her momma in December. We can’t wait to meet our little girl and actually be able to hold her and give her lovins.