struggling with our faith while trying to concieve

my husband and myself have been TTC for over four years, we try to keep faith & stay strong for one another but we have both been struggling lately with this, we're experiencing jealousy and judgement of other people that are expecting or already have littles we try so hard to believe that God's got this and HE knows what is best but why can he not give us peace if a baby is not meant for us. I'm getting to the point that I don't want to leave our home because I get so tired of all the people asking when we will start trying or why we don't have littles. We know it's no one's business but it happens A LOT!!! especially when people that know we have been trying keep on about wanting us to have a baby like that's not what we want also! I don't want to rant I just want peace for us for our marriage, my husband is such a wonderful man he is so patient and faithful we just don't understand we have prayed and prayed and sometimes it's so hard not to get angry with God or think "why should so and so get to have such ablessing and not appreciate it but we can't!?! I know I should not question the bigger picture of God's grand Plan iknow that we have been blessed in numberous other ways and I don't want it to seem as though are in anyway ungrateful because I know we have been blessed way beyond what we deserve, for we deserve nothing!!! we are just tired and weary help us Lord!!!