Refusal to nurse

Sanna • Full time creative artist streaming live at

I’m at loss guys. My girl has been breastfeeding like a champ since she was born 11 weeks ago but the past like 2 weeks she’s been really fussy at the breast, either crying instantly or crying about 4 minutes in. I’ve tried to wind her but it doesn’t help.

We think she may be teething because she keeps wanting to chew on our fingers and she drools excessively. Cold dummies, teething rings, it helps for a bit. But as soon as she’s put to my breast she cries. I’ve tried feeding her my milk through a syringe but after 10-20 ml she cries.

I’m so miserable at this point and I just don’t know what to do. They are not happy with her weight (9 lbs 14 oz last Thursday, she’s about 59 cm) and I am to come back this Thursday to weigh her again. I just want her to eat and I just cry whenever she doesn’t eat.

What can I do? 😭