Period or Implantation?


My man and I BD every 2 or 3 days for about 2 weeks, during which I believe I was ovulating. About a week after the last time we BD I start cramping but it very mild. In a week and a half I was supposed to start my period between the 7-10th. Well I started my "period" on the 8th. Usually the first 2 days my flow is VERY heavy and my cramps are unbearable and I have to take Midol to be able to get out of bed. Well this time was different. My cramps were still mild and haven't gotten worse. It's been light/medium. It's not a constant flow. Sometimes it stops for a awhile and starts again. It ranges from pinkish red to brown, and then the last few days have been red and brown. My period has always been regular and never this light. It's just weird. And usually the last few days I don't cramp and I still have this continuous mild cramp since when it first started. My breasts have been sore for about a week now. They've been nore tingly than sore today though.

Has anyone experienced something like this? What was the outcome? I've taken two different brands of tests in the last week and a half and they were negative, one was the blue dye and the other was a FRER. Both were with FMU. Annny input would be nice before I go crazy haha