Hand-me-downs Yay or Nay?

So this is our first baby and my husband’s sister in law has been bringing up all this stuff she wants to give us from their two boys who are now 2 and 5.

I totally appreciate the gesture and let’s face it-we’re not millionaires— and can use all the help we can get... but I’m weird when it comes to hand me downs and cleanliness regardless of where it came from.

A lot of it has her first born baby’s name on it... are cloth swings/bouncers that can’t be thoroughly cleaned and are not my taste. We also have a much smaller house than them so they’re not practical.

My thought is to just be polite and say thank you and take it all and sort through what we can use and donate the rest. However, I feel like if she ever comes over and doesn’t see 1/2 the stuff she gave me she will be offended.

I just don’t want to use someone else’s breast pump.

Am I just being stuck up or does anyone else have the same weirdness with things being new/clean??
