Grad school or wait???

I don't have the best grades but they're not horrible either. I want to graduate college and move in w/my bf and get a job. And i don't need a master's degree for the kinda job I want but I know I could get better jobs and better pay if I do. But I'm kinda tired of school, though I know I'm very privileged to have the choice. And I could get it later on but now the knowledge is still fresh and my parents are willing to help pay. I just feel like moving in with my bf would make me seem like a quitter with a wifey-degree (though I'll have a B.S. in a STEM major and I found good jobs in my field). I'm plan to do all the requirements and get my grades up so I'm set up to go if I get in/want to, but moving in with bf (he supports me either way). I know whatever I choose I can make a good life for myself. What do yall think?