Weight restriction

Michelle • I`m 24 baby Declan arrived 08/07/2017! I have 3 angel babies.06/18/15 and mono-mono twins on 06/27/16.
So I saw my Ob yesterday and the ultrasound showed I was 6 weeks and I saw the heartbeat (116) they kept my due date the same and that I'm 6 weeks 4 days now. Before this appointment I had one because I had some light bleeding (pink) and cramping 2 days before my BFP. Planned parenthood put me on a 10 lbs weight restriction. I work as a CNA and was out of work for a week because of this. The day I saw my OB the first time I should have been 4 weeks 3 days and she said my Hcg levels were low and that they couldn't say I was having a progressing pregnancy. But now back to yesterday's appointment she told me everything looked fine but she but me on light duity and a 10 lbs weight restriction once again. But why? I called and left a message and they haven't got back to me. If I don't get the restriction removed I can't work my employer refuses to work anyone unless they got hurt at work on light duity. For anyone else that is pregnant did your Ob put you on a 10 lbs weight restriction? I thought the usual was 50 lbs.