High Maintenance Baby!!!


Hello everyone! After a perfect pregnancy, I feel like I am paying back with my “being mom” experience... I have a 4weeks old baby who

- Has fussy hours every morning and every night - 4 to 6 hours each- where she wants to be breast fed almost all that time, don’t sleep and fights with boobs and cries when the milk flow drops...

-Sleeps average 12 Hours a day. Her longer sleep stretch is 2 hours which is only once a day. Her typical sleep stretch is only 1 hour

- After every wake feeds at least 20-30 mins

- poops well, gains weight, hitting all the miles-stones and as of our first month old appointment, it has been official that she is just a high maintenance baby...


- Swaddling all the time

- Creating day-time, night-time routines,

-Bouncers, rocking bassinets, etc...

-Baby wearing, going out

-Rocking her in arms while walking around the house, sitting, lying..

- And supplementing with expressed breast milk at nights when the production is slower...


- All she wants to do is eat eat and eat

-She doesn’t care for sleep as much,

- She doesn’t have reflux, GERD, colic- thank god!

- Dr is hopeful that it will get better by 8th week- I am not😕

-She is a bit clingy and loves mama a lot 😂😂

Is there anybody else out there having similar issues..? What are your remedies? How are you dealing with sitting down on a chair and breast feeding your baby approx 6 hours a day without a proper sleep more than an hour at a time..?