Pregnant 5 months after Ectopic!!


I wanted to share a positive message. I had an ectopic pregnancy in June this year. I had surgery and they were able to “save” my tube. (Scarred but semi functioning) I also was given a single dose of methotrexate a month after my surgery. Anyways we got the clearance to start trying again on Nov 1st and we just got a positive pregnancy test today!!!! I am so excited and feel really great. I am not as nervous or scared as I thought I would be. Only focusing on the positive right now as its all out of my control at this point. Hoping and praying for a healthy pregnancy. Calling doctor tomorrow as I am sure we will start blood tests right away. But either way don’t give up ladies. It’s possible. Just have faith! Hoping for the best! Appreciate any additional prayers. ❤️❤️