

Ok so I'm just venting this to people that are about my age.

I'm struggling I mean I am being bullied at school, home and my local community. It got to the point where I tried cutting myself which everyone says I should feel ashamed about but the thing is I'm not. Yeah I know it was wrong but I just want to do it again and again the only thing that stops me from cutting is my dad because i made him a promise that I wouldn't.

After that my doctor, psychologist and even my parents believe I have depression, pts (post traumatic stress) and anxiety.

I'm moving schools but I'm costing my parents a fortune to do so and they don't want to tell me they can't afford it but I know they can't. I feel so guilty.

What makes it worse is that I can't see my friends because whenever I do I see my friends face that killed herself and I can't look at that.

I don't sleep, I don't eat when people ask me why my answers are always the same either i just can't sleep or I don't see a need in eating 3 meals a day when others survive on less and well I'm fat.

I'm also on anti depressants.

Please tell me I'm not alone with how I feel.