My 1/1/17 baby born 12/2/17 💙

Jasmin • Student 💉 | Fiancé 💍 | Mother of 2 boys 💙 6 year old & expecting Jan 1, 2018

My birth story, long sorry

December 1,2017 around 11:30 I went into L&D; for a headache I been having all day with mild cramps during the day. I didn’t pay much mind to head because I thought it was just a normal symptom of the day since we had been out running errands. So I preceded on with my day took a Tylenol which my doctor said was okay. Headache didn’t progress any so I wanted to get back home get some rest drink some water have dinner and take another which I did. I didn’t think anything bad of it because doctor said it was normal no swelling or anything unusual besides little back cramps which is normal being 35w5d. My headache didn’t go away it just got worse I didn’t want to keep taking Tylenol and my it was messing with my vision so I headed to L&D.; Got there got setup for what I thought was gonna be a quick check and back home. Nope they checked my blood pressure it was 178/100 so scary they started panicking and ordered labs, about 3 hours later with blood pressure being over 140 and protein found in my urine I was Diagnosed with Preeclampsia for the 1st time through my pregnancy and was told I had to be admitted I was having a baby and was not going home. After getting blood pressure down I was 1cm 50% Effaced they then gave me 3 doses of pills to get my cervix to start softening so then can start Pitocin which would start the contraction and dilation process. After the 3 pills my water had broke on it’s on and from there my contraction took affect on there on without the induction medicine. For 4 hours I took the intense pain before they told me I had to get a epidural because of the contractions was making baby heart dip so I needed pain medicine before they can start induction to speed up process. They came in did epidural (which I had with my 1st son 6 years ago) and the pain was nothing like this I felt the entire procedure and it hurted so bad about the worst epidural experience I had. After 3 dosages the epidural was a FAIL and didn’t work at all they had no say and why my body didn’t respond. So after another 2 hours of contractions and no pain medication the contractions was so intense me and baby heart rate started dipping doctor decided to give me a shot to stop labor until baby was happy and I could bare again and also so they can re do epidural which I was not okay about. But after she gave me the shot to stop at 8:30pm i was only 4cm the shot didn’t work as well the contraction picked up so bad of the scale I was in crucial labor pains without any medication so bad Fiancé and my mother were crying for me. At 9:15 I started screaming so loud after one contraction that I felt so much pressure baby was down there thy didn’t believe me so doctor came running and check my cervix and I was 10cm baby head was crowning. I started pushing and less then 4 minutes my baby boy Angelo was here no tares. Best feeling of my life I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Birth plan was not planned at all this way but for his safety and mine I thank god for following my 1st instinct.

December 2,2017 9:22p.m

He’s so healthy at 35.6days weighing 4.5pounds so healthy lungs fully developed he has no complications.

Angelo A. Gonzalez 💙

Update he’s doing great so healthy