My partner is taking a semen sample into the clinic tomorrow. Obviously we don’t know the results.. but hypothetically if it comes back that he is infertile (had testicular surgery as a child which is why we have this concern, after 6 months of TTC we thought we best get him checked) we are going to look into a sperm donor.

I am just wondering;

A) how you go about this, is it the same as a normal referral from your doctor? Price?

B) how did you or your partner connect to the baby knowing that it isn’t genetically ‘yours’?

I have family who was raised ‘as their own’ so I’m not new to this, and nor is my partner as his family have adopted also.

However, with it being our own shoes we are not sure how he would handle it.. I think I would cope better because I’ll be growing the baby, but I don’t know how he will go about connecting to the baby?

What is everyone who has used a donor experienced?

I am not worried about him not loving or accepting said baby, I am worried about him feeling like a failure because we couldn’t conceive naturally (I do not in any way feel like he is a failure letting us down at all). There are many couples who go through this, especially gay and lesbian couples so I know it’s definitely common.

Sorry this was so long, but opinions please and thank you!!❤️