

Hi everyone

Last month in November when i was 5 week and 4 day pregnant i had very terrible pain i went EPU and had my first scan but dr didn’t see anything inside .. after two days they did again and discovered my right tube is ectopic .. but my hcg level was dropping .. first it was 490 and all of sudden it went on 200

Doctor said we will monitor hcg until it goes down but in my next blood test it went up again by 400.. so after one week again i had very terrible pain i went to hospital and they didnt do anything to me except blood test to check hcg ..!

So in short my hcg went maximum 715

They kept me in hospital for a night .. next day i felt well and they sent me to home

When i came back to home again i had very very terrible pain and i passed the sac on my own.. no any medication

I showed my doctor and they told me its a sac

And after that now my hcg level is dropping

Today i had blood test and hcg is 340 .. so far its a good news

But still i am worrying is this same happened to anybody ?? Can ectopic resolves on its own without any treatment? And after that you feel great and dont any medication ?? Plz help