Breastfeeding - Engorgement!!


This is my second child..I am 22! I have a 20 month old who I breast fed until she was about 8 months. Supply kind of faded due to busy life style.

I just gave birth to my son Kason, he is 6 days old today. (With both of my kids now) I have enough milk supply to feed triplets! I could feed all day. Kason, on the other hand does nothing but sleep...he nurses around every 2-3, hours for about 5 minutes tops, due to him falling asleep... it has made me so engorged. I am in so much pain! I talked to a lactation specialist and she said since he has gained weight since birth, he is getting more than plenty of milk, I just am gifted with liquid gold apparently! It makes me cry sometimes. Hoping it will go down soon and maintain a more reasonable amount.. when he nurses, I hold a cup under my other breast and leak 2 ounces within minutes. Anyone else in this same boat with me?? I am so glad to be able to store milk already, but damn!! For not even pumping, is this ridiculous or normal?