Morning sickness is so bad I’m considering abortion

Let me start by saying I want this baby. I never thought abortion would be a choice I would be facing. I am a little over seven weeks pregnant. But my morning sickness is so bad, I feel abortion might be necessary. I haven’t eaten in days. Yesterday I had to go to the hospital because I threw up 8 times in a day (painful awful tasting bile) and couldn’t even keep water down, I was severely dehydrated and the only way I was going to get hydrated again was IV fluids because I couldn’t keep water down. B6 and unisom doesn’t help. Ginger doesn’t help. Zofran doesn’t help. I can’t leave the house anymore. I sleep all day in the dark and cry if disturbed because the nausea and pain from it is so bad. I don’t think I can live like this and my doctors just keep saying it’s normal but it doesn’t feel normal. Would it be selfish to abort for these reasons? It feels selfish but it also feels like I have no other option.