Report a drunk driver *canada


My boyfriend has come home from the bar loaded. Every second word is fuck and he’s just going on a nonsense spree about nothing and slurring and such. He left the house to get food after I told he not to as he’s drunk, wouldn’t listen went anyways. Now he’s driving around town thinking he’s invincible. I don’t know his exact whereabouts because I don’t know if he is telling the truth but I want to call 911 to report him but I don’t know if he’s made it to a destination and isn’t driving anymore if that’s going to be a waste of the cops time. What would you do? (This isn’t the first time this is almost a daily occurrence and it makes me sick he is jeopardizing people lives by driving like this. We have a 6 month old and his job depends on having a licence but at this point I’m done and it gives me an easy way out)