Is there anyone else on here beyond excited for their little ones to be born but dreading their families once their littles ones are here? We have a 13 month old son and I'll be induced anytime in the next 7 days to have our daughter. I'm so beyond excited for our daughter to finally be here, but I can't help but stress and work myself up over worrying about once she is here. I had a hard time with family when our son was born. He was a preemie as will our daughter be so anyone who wants to see them I ask to have there flu shots, I'm not comfortable with anyone being at the hospital other then my husband and mother. This year my husband and I have decided if anyone wants to see us for holidays (we live an hour drive from everyone) that they come visit us but check ahead of time as it will be easier for them to visit us then us to pack up a newborn, a 13 month old, pack absolutely everything needed just for a visit. My husband and I also decides we don't want visitors to meet our little angel until we are settled in at home with her and our son for few days and we'd like short visits. If it goes anything like last time I'm going to end up loosing it because no one except a very select few listened to what we had said and actually went out of there way to turn it all into this big argument and thing because they wanted to do what they wanted to do and us asking for people to have flu shots was unacceptable apparently. Am I wrong to be stressing this what do I do?