Issues with so

I sent this to my SO, because he never respects that I am at home with our baby always taking care of her, I never have alone time and I never leave the house, I always tell him I’m very grateful for what he does for us. But he’s never grateful for what I do...

Edit- I screenshot this from Facebook, he never helps me when he gets home. All he does is go out and smoke weed. He makes 1,000 + every week, and we barely see it, he never gives us anything. He does buy

diapers and wipes but that’s all, I always save what is cooked or ask him what he wants. He never wants to eat at home, and always goes to eat out. The room is always somewhat clean, but lately its been all clean. I have a 6 month old attached to me. And it’s hard to get things done.

2 Edit- he installs cable.