I feel so guilty...

okay so... i️ did something pretty bad.. when i say pretty bad.. i mean for my age(15).. i think it’s not okay.. so i am talking to this boy, he’s so sweet and i’m pretty sure he likes me a lot. but about two weeks ago i was with my friends and we were gonna go to this party. we decided to drink a little before the party (which was a bad idea) because a little turned into a lot.. so one of my friends passed out and we couldn’t wake her up.. so we didn’t even make i️t to the party, later that night my close guy friend who is really cute but a junior wanted to pick me up.. so i waited until both of my friends were asleep and i snuck out... when i got in the car i was so nervous... like i couldn’t even think straight.. by this time i had sobered up a little but anyways his best friend was in the car with us and he was in the back so i sat up front. we rode around for a while and brought his friend home. then we parked in some parking lot we had a really deep talk and one thing lead to another, we made out... that’s all we did... but i feel so guilty like it’s not even funny.. he texted me the other day and wants to hang out again this weekend.. and i honestly don’t know what i should do.. should i go since we are just friends or should i️ stay away from him? please help!!!!