Do you agree with my bf and friends?


So, i found out on monday that I am almost 7weeks pregnant. I am 20yrs old, full time student with quite a few psychological and physical medical issues. I currently do not have a job. My bf lost his father a few weeks ago, his mother is struggling financially (they had moved to an expensive, handicap-accessible apartment building so his father could come home).. despite wanting to continue his education he has dropped out of university to work full time and help support his family. My family is not very understanding or compassionate about my medical issues especially my mother and I was planning on moving out upon graduation (april). With all of this, i suddenly get pregnant despite our use of condoms.. we both agreed an abortion was the smartest option. Lately, ive felt a connection with the baby.. i feel its a boy, ive named him connor, i talk to him, complain that he gives me cramps and nausea. I have an abortion date. I really really want to hear his heartbeat and record it.. i want to engrave a stone with his name and abortion date as well in his memory. My bf and friends are telling me to stop using the name connor to refer to my baby, they also said I shouldn't hear the heartbeat as it humanizes the embryo/fetus and will make the abortion more devastating. I dont want to just pretend hes nothing to me when i care so much.. i want him to know hes loved especially since he wont be able to live for much longer.. what should i do?

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