Stepping on egg shells


Kinda long but I need help.. so my fiancé, partner of nearly 6 years on and off. We was first ever together for 2 years, we broke up and I had a one night stand and fell pregnant. Cut the Story a bit short we was seeing Each other on and off after my daughter was born so for nearly 2-3 years, he came back into my life properly last year December, he moved In with me late jan.. early I know.. he took on my daughter( her real rather isn’t involved) and she calls him daddy.. his choice.. so it’s been a year and she loves the bones of him. He’s African and back home in Nigeria the man is suppose to go work and the lady is suppose to cook, clean and basically just be a house wife. He goes to work Monday to Friday 8am-4pm I stay at home all day with my daughter, cleaning , entertaining her and just normal mum things . But when he comes home he likes to turn little things into arguments, like say if the washing up isn’t done then I’m called a tramp, and I’m not a proper wife.. I’m sorry but he’s living with me for nearly a year and he’s never cooked for me EVER. I ask him to and he says no that’s your job. Even on weekends when he’s not at work I still have to get up at 7am and I’m expected to get up first thing make him breakfast and my daughter and clean straight away, if not I’m lazy. He often says I’m not trained right and that how he should be with an African lady who knows how to treat their men with respect.. I constantly feel like I’m stepping on egg shells just to please him because I’m scared if anything is out of place he will go crazy. I love him so much he was my first ever boyfriend but I feel so low and worthless. The list could continue but I feel like I needed to rant and get this off my chest😫