HSG 😧✅.. But what now?!🤷🏾‍♀️ (AF Wife)

Charlette • God is awesome!♥️

I went today andddd omg, it’s hurts! I cried like a baby! But I have to say after the many scary post I’ve read.. afterwards.. I don’t feel a thing🤷🏾‍♀️.. My left tube filled quickly and my right tube filled but was delayed a bit. I’ll get the full report soon. Afterwards, I asked the doc about starting clomid next and she’s like “but you ovulate”.. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ I mean just bc I can detect an LH surge does that officially mean that I ovulate?? And wouldn’t clomid provide a more fertile environment being that ill ovulate all over the place and sperm can penetrate an egg whenever they want??? I need to know what to do next! My hubby is going for his sperm analysis soon but he works out everyday and is super healthy so I just know that his swimmers are good. I need a plan. I feel like my doctor is looking at me like I’m crazy and my panic is unnecessary. We’ve been trying to conceive for a year now and I turn 30 next week!😤

And thank you Tricare for covering our HSG and Sperm Analysis😚