


so just had my HSG test done and it was terrible, I'm no baby... but she tried twice to do it and said the dye would not go up, so then she asked for a different tube and said something about dilating..... I know my uterus is tilted so not sure of that was the problem or what after like 4 time or more sharp pain she got it then had me turn on left side and tried again....said my right tube dye went in but the left one the dye did not she said it could of been spazzing (from the stress) or it was blocked but they consider it a good test because one tube had no issues... should i be worried???????

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I had one done 6 years ago and it was fine, no bad cramping or anything. Ended up pregnant 6 weeks later after they said I had one blocked tube. Went this month for another one and it was worse than labor pains and I can handle pain pretty well. He had to do it three times because the balloon kept falling out 😣 but when he finally got it both tubes were open! He said the last one must’ve made my tube spasm shut


Posted at
hi I had my hsg test done 2016 of October and it felt a little uncomfortable only because the radiologist pushed the dye up and there was cramping. it did hurt a little. the radiologist said that little bit of dye came out the right tube. so they had to try again about two more times and the dye did not come out the right tube again. so they said it might be spazzing or something could be blocking it. my left tube was perfect the dye came out. my gynecologist told me not too worrie as long as you have one working tube that should be fine. so I wouldn't worry too much. it might take a little longer to conceive but,you can still get pregnant. I found out i was pregnant two months after but unfortunately lost it early. chemical pregnancy. I'm still ttc. and will be taken another hsg test next month.


Tee • Dec 15, 2017
I did mine on the 6th. I also have the right semi blocked and the left wide open. I do agree, we only need one.


♡T.C♥ • Dec 11, 2017
your welcome ☺ and thank you best of luck to you too!


da • Dec 11, 2017
thank u so much makes me feel better, best of luck to u!!!