UPDATE. : He tipped me $100 I hate my job (vent) kinda long.


Hello ladies I have been working as a cashier for a deli since I was 20 weeks pregnant, I’m now 4 months pp . Any ways I work my ass off get paid very little and seeing as my SO been out of a job for the last 2 months I’m the main breadwinner. So I have been their for almost 9 months everyone who was hired after me has received their evaluation and a raise to $10 and every time I ask I get put off “oh we’ll figure it out”

I should have gotten a evaluation for 6 months and when I make a year . Well fast forward to yesterday im tired I’m sick and I just don’t want to go in I miss my baby I get maybe 5 hours with him every day because I work so much we’re going be short on rent because I we spent thanksgiving with my family . Well I went in was cleaning and getting ready for the lunch rush and about 2 hours in I Get this customer who is with his wife and kid . Now this guy kinda intimidated me he was on the tougher side and when I was taking their order he was kinda just looking at me like I’m stupid . Well their lunch came out to $38.29 and he asked if he could tip me I said yes but their was no tip line on the receipt so my supervisor said to just have him write the tip amount and total. Now just to remind you I have been having a rough time lately with bills and what not . He gives me the receipt back I say thank you and he goes on with his family to the table to eat . I give it to my supervisor and she looks at it and in her dismay he tips me $100 !!!!!! She’s in shock I’m in shock everyone s in shock so I have to go to the GM of the store to tell him and they say I can’t get it because it’s probably a stolen card . I tell him the customer is still here if he would talk to him . My GM doesn’t really go to talk to him so my customer went and talked to him and told him that he wants to tip me that amount because god told him that I need it . Which is crazy cuz I texted my mom that morning if she could lend me $100 and she said no . Anyways fast forward to the end of my shift I’m feeling good I can get this tip buy some diapers and have money for rent . My boss goes to adjust my tip and the computer will not adjust the tender , there fore my company did not give me $100 tip that I desperately needed . They basically said “oh well maybe next time “ I’m so devastated everybody else could get their tip

But for some reason the computer could not open the ticket to add the tip .

UPDATE : so the company decided not to give me my tip because they feel the person used a stolen card therefore they don’t think it is wise .

I think this whole situation is just so fucked up and I’m so over my job I work my ass off and always get the shit end of the stick