Nursery vs home gym


Am 33 weeks pregnant and my partner doesn't want to give up his home gym to make room for a nursery/kid's room. We just bought our home a year ago, I love it and it is our forever home. It is, however, a townhouse with no basement or garage.

He has this deranged idea that nursery and huge bench press with barbell and weights can coexist.

There is only one large room on the same floor as the master suite, this currently is not even closed off yet, opens directly on the landing and houses his equipment. This will be baby's room. Can't divide it as it is a converted loft with low sloped ceilings, and only one skylight. Historic building, so limits as to modifications allowed.

My office space is a small bedroom adjacent to the open living area on the ground floor which houses my desk and a couch bed. In the future a closet will be going there as the upstairs space doesn't allow for vertical storage.

When baby comes I also plan on using this space for daytime naps, nursing, play area so that our small living area isn't overrun by kid's stuff and we can keep dog and baby separate when necessary without going upstairs.

If he puts the gym in the office the desk and couch will not fit, let alone leave space to move and play safely (without weights in the way).

How do I solve this without becoming the bad guy? Just wait until baby is born and he realizes how much room kids need?