
Thanks to PCOS I have put on weight like nobodies freaking business. 😩 so a little over a month ago I decided to change to a no sugar, low carb, low dairy, way of life. I lost 15 pounds, which would be awesome if you could even recognize a difference in my appearance... anywho- I started working out as well, mostly weights because the stuff I researched about it said weights would be more effective than cardio. I’ve hit a wall- I was steadily loosing weight and now- nothing. For two weeks in a row I’ve stayed the same weight. I thought working out would help but so far nothing.

Any advice?! I’m getting so discouraged- my husband ( who wasn’t even considered overweight) is the one losing weight and looking great from the new eating habits (and he even cheats and eats pizza and crap when I’m not around) and I’m over here really putting in the hard work and nothing is changing. 😣

Should I maybe go by measuring instead of weight for a bit and see if I can recognize a change in that way instead? I just need help. ☹️