6 week maternity leave unpaid

I work at an independent doctors office.. he only has 6 employees so he doesn't have to offer insurance, which he doesn't.. as of now, if it wasn't for pregnancy medicaid I would have no insurance because my husbands job doesn't offer it either and we definitely can't afford private insurance at this point.. also, my doctor offers 6 weeks maternity leave NO pay and in his paperwork it states that any day after six weeks he has the right to dismiss you (fire you) if you don't come back to work at exactly your six week point.. this freaks me out!! My husband and I will be the only ones caring for our baby once it's born until I go back to work and we will have to find a nanny to stay with them because no daycare in this area will accept a 6 week old.. and what if I have to have a C section? Or have a difficult recovery? I mean the possibilities!! And we definitely cannot afford for me to lose my job.. we're already having to save up for me being off the six weeks since I won't get paid..

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