I have only kissed 2 people in the last 6 months one of them had a lot of zigzag but I asked both of them if they had herpes or any other sti or stds and they both said no! My mom has hsv 1 and 2 and my sister and her boyfriend and possibly their daughter hsv1 and two days ago my sister used a bunch of my makeup and now I have a "bump" that burned but it doesn't really look like herpes it's jut a red bump that burns but im really freaking out because in 20 days I'm meeting guy and we are going to have sex so can I kiss him if I don't have a sore? I really just wanna die and can't believe I may have contracted it because I'm 16 and it's just awful but do you guys have any advice to get rid of this and does it look like hsv1?