Is this right?

I just got home from a long day of working and went down to my boyfriends man cave to say hi. I gave him a hug and kiss and asked him how his day was. We kept it short because I could tell he was occupied with customizing his gun (that's his hobby) so I said I'd be upstairs. While I was walking away he was like "hey babe? Opee's cage stinks (our bunny). " (implying that I need to clean it). I'd be happy to do this but I got a little annoyed because when I came home he didn't do any of his chores but instead went right downstairs to do what he wanted to do and then for whatever reason felt it was necessary to tell me to clean while he stays downstairs and works on his guns. Am I in the wrong for getting annoyed at this? Now I don't feel like doing any of my chores because why should I if he gets to do what he wants to do? Help before I turn this into a huge fight!