Light brown spotting at 6 weeks

Dreaming • Mumma bear to baby boy 🧸 and expecting again 🤰🏼 💕 Dreaming always dreaming 💕

I went to the toilet after finishing work and I had a few drops of brown in my underwear. I don’t think I have any pain, so hopefully that’s a good sign.. After I got home it was a little more, but only a few drops more and nothing when I wiped. Im not spotting this morning, so I’m trying not to worry. I’m going to book in a scan in a few days to see if everything is ok. I had a miscarriage in July, so I’m super nervous it’s happening again, but last time I spotted it got heavier straight away, then turned red with cramps. So it seems different this time.

I googled and someone explained that between 6-10 weeks, the placenta is attaching itself to the uterus, and not uncommon for OLD blood (brown) to be released. She said no reason for concern unless it is red, heavy bleeding like a normal period. It usually lasts for a couple days or so, and stops on it's own.

I don’t want to lose my rainbow baby 🌈 I’m praying constantly and trying so hard not to get worked up. Any advice, words or prayers would be appreciated 💕