Loosing hope...


Hello everyone please no rude comments about my age/how long we have been trying. Everyone’s struggle is personal and very real for the individual.

I️m almost at the breaking point. This year has been so chaotic for my new husband and I️ (married in March). Both our parents have got divorced this year (my parents has been particularly bad-my father is now living with us) and we lost our first baby to a MC in June. It’s been about 3 months since we started trying again (but we are starting to go full TTC in January-no drinks, tracking everything, etc) and I️ feel so overwhelmed. We tried for two months and got pregnant, now every since starting to try again my period is crazy. I️t was regular (after my MC) July, August, September and October. Then in November I️ was a week late (with spotting) and BOOM negative test. Today (cycle day 23) I️ bled a bit (first pink THEN bright red and then I️t stopped). And ran to the store to get a pregnancy test. BFN.

My usual cycle is 28-32 days and this is driving me insane. I️ have OCD and my husband and I️ both knew this was going to be a struggle because of my mental illness. I️ just feel so much like giving up. I️ know I️m young and have only had 1 MC but I️ can feel myself loosing hope...

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