What should I say?

So my child's father and I have a weird relationship and I really don't know what to do anymore.

I love him, I won't lie but there are some issues that make this so hard. He's not ready for a relationship for many reasons and the girl before me really did him wrong so he has such. Hard time letting his walls down.

He is my best friend and he tells me everything and he hates thAt he trusts me so much. One second we are fine and he comes to me and then he like gets weird and tries to be all distant and create these dumb boundaries between us. I don't force him to confide in me, he naturally just does it.

We aren't seeing other people which makes things even more complicated because we technically aren't together. He doesn't want guys to hit on me and we go on dates and he acts territorial but then when it comes down to it he gets weird and puts up a wall and acts like he doesn't want me. It's a constant game. I try to move on and then he doesn't want me to...

I'm really tired of the games. I've been there through so much shit and I've put up with so much and I've been extremely loyal to someone I'm not even with. He is my best friend, the person I tell everything to and want to share things with. When we are out people always comment on how apparent our love is for each other. His friends say it too. But I really can't take these random walls he puts up.

I want to just be done because I love him so much that this hurts. Every time I try to end it he ignores me and acts like things are fine between us.

I don't understand how he can say he doesn't want a relationship right now but he tries to control me and doesn't want me to be with anyone else and when I do try to move on it's the end of the world. This shit isn't healthy. What should I say to him? I want him to know that I am serious and that he needs to finally make up his mind. I don't understand why he's so scared, im not his ex and I've never done him wrong.

I want to type out a message that is really clear and says that I need him to make up his mind and that I love him and I've stuck around through so much bullshit