Im trying to move out soon but not sure how to go about it

janayy • Ok

Im 18 i turn 19 in January and i have been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years now .we are both working and have been talking about moving out of our parents houses together after he graduates.. im just wondering how should i go about saving money heres one thing im thinking 👉🏾 right now i work in fastfood and i get about 50 dollars in tips just about every day depending if we are busy or not plus i make 7.25 a hour . I haven’t started saving yet but when i do i plan to use just my tips to spend on for anything i need during the week and save my paychecks which is about 350 every two weeks ...and i work week days 11-5 and i have the weekends off . Heres the other thought 👉🏾 I also graduated from cosmetology school my senior year in high school so i have my license i just need to find a salon and gain clientele pretty sure i would make more doing nails and hair then what im doing right now .plus its something i like to do .i have just been nervous about quitting my job with out knowing exactly how much ill be making starting off . 👉🏾 or should i do both and work week days fastfood and weekends in a salon 🤔 🤔🤔🤯

🤗🤗please give feedback and tell me what you all think and what would be some good ideas ....🙃also please share how you have saved to move out and what worked for you 💕❤️i will really appreciate all suggestions