Ivf timeline with FET

Katie • 4 👼 and our miracle IVF 🌈 has arrived!!! Tessa Elizabeth, October 17, 2018!! 🎀💞

So I am about to start my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> cycle after going through a hellish experience after my second <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> ended up successful but then needing a d and c bc baby wasn't growing after 7 weeks, and then my levels stopped decreasing once they hit 20. So In the past 8 weeks I've had a d and c, saline sonogram and yesterday had a hysteroscopy with a laparoscopy to remove cells and polyps.

Anyway my question is what was everyone's timeline for medication, retrieval and then FET transfer. My clinic doesn't due fresh transfer anymore, which is fine since we are doing PGD/CCS testing. My Dr is very optimistic that my body just wants to be pregnant but needs an embryo without chromosomal issues.